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Open the Google Authenticator App on your mobile phone to recreate the account. Click “+” to scan the QR code or manual entry the 2FA backup key that you kept. The Google Authenticator Code is now restored. If you have lost your mobile phone, it is highly recommended to disable your Google Authenticator on your Binance Singapore account.
5. Make sure to save the 16-digit key, which can be used to re-bind your account in case you no longer have access to your previous Google Authenticator. If your Google Authenticator is working normally, you can manually disable it by logging in to your Binance account, navigating to the【Security】tab, and clicking on【Disable】next to the Google Authentication option. With Binance added to your Google Authenticator app, head back to your Binance account on your browser to finalize two-factor authentication setup. To do so, click on "4. Enable Google Authentication" near the upper-right corner of the screen, then input your your 16-digit backup key, login password, and 6-digit 2FA code from Google Binance cryptocurrency exchange - We operate the worlds biggest bitcoin exchange and altcoin crypto exchange in the world by volume Welcome to the World’s #1 cryptocurrency platform by trading volume!
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Click “+” to scan the QR code or manual entry the 2FA backup key that you kept. The Google Authenticator Code is now restored. If you have lost your mobile phone, it is highly recommended to disable your Google Authenticator on your Binance Singapore account. Exchange The World Binance Official English Group @binanceexchange Binance English Announcements @binance_announcements @BinanceNigeria_Announcements for local news If you experience any issues or have any questions regarding withdrawing your coin/ funds from the, please do not hesitate to reach out to Bu rehberde Paribu, BtcTurk ve Binance Google Authenticator sorunları, Binance 2FA kodu kaybetme ve Binance Google Authenticator silinmesi gibi durumlar için çözümler bulabilirsiniz. İki aşamalı doğrulama (2FA) kripto para borsalarındaki en önemli güvenlik önlemlerinden biri. Here are a few reasons why Binance is the best place to start. Secure and Reliable State-of-the-art safe storage technology for maximum security Easy to Use Intuitive, easy-to-use interface Trusted by millions of users in 180 countries worldwide Binance South Africa 2 975 members, 206 online This is the official telegram group of Binance South Africa 🇿🇦 Admins will never ask for passwords, personal details or funds!
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Что-то, что ему принадлежит - телефон; В чем различия между Google Authenticator и аутентификацией по СМС? 4 янв 2018 Authenticator (Сбросить SMS-аутентификатор); [Binance] Reset Google Authenticator (Сбросить Google Authenticator); [Binance] Confirm 23 июл 2020 Введите новый номер телефона и код подтверждения SMS (нельзя использовать прежний номер телефона), затем нажмите «Сбросить Google аутентификация. Аутентификация по SMS. googleIcon Введите 6- значный код в своем приложении Google Authenticator. Код аутентификации 7 авг 2019 Здравствуйте. Есть тело на android., на нём привязан binance к Google auth. Доступ к binance У меня обычный гугл аутентификатор крутится на телефоне без интернета и там нет такой функции. Phone clone.
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