Federal bor lock vs thor
Jun 25, 2015 · “Federal Premium is redefining modern in-line performance with the all-new Trophy Copper Muzzleloader Bullet. Its exclusive B.O.R. Lock MZ System provides outstanding accuracy in a non-sabot
Lock MZ. Your results will vary. The flattest-shooting bullet you can get is the Parker Match Hunter 300 grain: in my individual Remington 700 Ultimate, it is also the most accurate. It is never a bad idea to let your gun tell you what it likes to be fed, for it always knows best. May 29, 2014 Jul 31, 2020 This information is intended to be used as a reference.
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Lock MZ System provides outstanding accuracy in a non-sabot design that’s easy to load, scrubs fouling from the breech and ensures consistent bullet seating. Another option is the custom “Thor” bullets, made from Barnes spire-point copper bullets in .501, .502, and .503 diameters to fit your individual rifle. Let’s talk about corrosion. Blackhorn 209 is easier on muzzleloading barrels than any other “blackpowder sub” class of … For every reason, now more than ever, choose Federal Premium—Your Partner In Protection.
18 Jul 2015 The concept of the Federal copper B.O.R. Lock is intriguing. I have looked on-line for reliable reviews, but they are lacking, other than those
Its exclusive B.O.R. Lock MZ System provides outstanding accuracy in a non-sabot design that's easy to load, scrubs fouling from the breech and ensures consistent bullet seating. Federal Premium is redefining modern in-line performance with the Trophy Copper Muzzleloader Bullet. Its exclusive B.O.R.
The new Trophy Copper Muzzleloader Bullet with the B.O.R. Lock MZ System carries a suggested retail price for $24.99 for a 15-pack. Federal has produced a quick video that shows you a lot more about them; and more information on the entire line of Federal Premium ammunition can be found at www.federalpremium.com.
The reason i wanted to know was because my dad wants to hunt mule deer and elk in colorado and you cant use saboted bullets there but i wanted to stick with Barnes so i sent Barnes an email and he directed me to Thor's website but i wanted to know if anyone has any experience with them in their muzzle loader. 5 Aug 2020 The four full 50 cal. bullets are Federal Premium copper 270 grain, Federal Premium lead 350 grain, THOR elite 300 grain in a .503, and Fury Has anybody used the Federal Premium BOR Lock MZ Trophy Copper? @ Flatrock has used both the 250 and 300 grain Thor bullets to or bad with the 270 grain all copper Federal bor-lock muzzy bullets?
Lock MZ System provides outstanding accuracy in a non-sabot design that’s easy to load, scrubs fouling from the breech and ensures consistent bullet seating. Another option is the custom “Thor” bullets, made from Barnes spire-point copper bullets in .501, .502, and .503 diameters to fit your individual rifle. Let’s talk about corrosion. Blackhorn 209 is easier on muzzleloading barrels than any other “blackpowder sub” class of … For every reason, now more than ever, choose Federal Premium—Your Partner In Protection. Learn More About Self-Defense Watch Video.
Federal also publishes 1794 fps with two T7 pellets, with a 200 yard velocity of 1125. This also equates to a 200 yard B.C. of .167 Although being .50 caliber with fairly light for caliber weight prevents it from having a high ballistic coefficient, it is slightly better than a .452 diameter, 250 grain Hornady XTP. So after the season I got the Thor sizing sample pack to check the size and the .500 size is the only one that fits in my barrel. So I figure the Federal's are undersized. We ended up using the Powerbelt Platinum 338gr bullets as they fit well and grouped really well, and they worked OK on her bull. I killed a Colorado bull in 2018 with an Encore ML shooting the Federal Bor Lock bullets and 90 grains of pyrodex. Ran 20 yards And collapsed with a double lung shot at a distance of 75 yards away. Recovered bullet under skin in off side.
Nov 29, 2018 · The primary difference between the Federal bullet and a power belt lies in the terminal performance….what it does when it hits a game animal. Powerbelts have a lot of controversy in that regard following them. Bor-locks are said to have an excellent expansion record on deer sized animals. Those SST’s are another bullet that carry some Aug 18, 2017 · With a standard 300gr Thor and 100gr Blackhorn209, I've clocked these bullets at 1,826 FPS. Will the New one size fits all Thor do the same, or will we lose some Velocity? I personally do not think we'll lose much at all, if any FPS due to the fact that the base that flares up the most upon ignition, is still whole, and will fatten up and seat Oct 22, 2016 · Using a prostaff bdc scope the second dot on my setup is pretty well on at 175. The black diamond still using pyro rs also an ffg and running 120 grains loose powder. Not quite the muzzle velocity of the cva, but close.
For years, rightly or wrongly, muzzleloading hunters have been grousing about spit-patching their barrels, so they Oct 02, 2015 Oct 21, 2017 Federal Premium, an ATK Group brand, offers the Trophy Copper huting bullets with BOR-Lock MZ system for muzzleloading rifles! Federal Premium Ammunition A renewed interest in the use of muzzleloading rifles for hunting in the past years has been rousing the … Federal 270 grain Trophy Copper B.O.R. Lock MZ. Your results will vary. The flattest-shooting bullet you can get is the Parker Match Hunter 300 grain: in my individual Remington 700 Ultimate, it is also the most accurate. It is never a bad idea to let your gun tell you what it likes to be fed, for it always knows best. May 29, 2014 Jul 31, 2020 This information is intended to be used as a reference.
Its exclusive B.O.R. Lock MZ System provides outstanding accuracy in a non-sabot design that's easy to load, scrubs fouling from the breech and ensures consistent bullet seating. Oct 02, 2015 · Federal Premium garners top honor for the “unconventional” category with its Trophy Copper Muzzloading Bullet, which has the innovative Bullet Obturating Ramp (BOR) Lock MZ system in lieu of a traditional belt or sabot. Attached to the bullet’s base is a one-piece, black, polymer cup that remains behind the forward obturation ramp until Federal Premium is redefining modern in-line performance with the Trophy Copper Muzzleloader Bullet. Its exclusive B.O.R.
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Over the past six to eight months, here at NORTH AMERICAN MUZZLELOADER HUNTING we have received dozens of requests for us to shoot and evaluate the new Federal Premium Trophy Copper bullet - and especially the company's "sabotless" B.O.R. LOCK MZ System.In our defense, I will just say that we have sent three or four requests to Federal for a handful of the bullets to test, so we could bring
“Federal Premium is redefining modern in-line performance with the all-new Trophy Copper Muzzleloader Bullet. Its exclusive B.O.R. Lock MZ System provides outstanding accuracy in a non-sabot Federal Premium recently decided to address these issues and develop a truly new class of projectile in its BOR Lock MZ muzzleloader bullet. "The time was right. We weren't going to get into the muzzleloader market with the same sort of bullet designs that have been around for decades," said Mike Holm, ammunition product line manager for The BOR LOK bullets have been fantastically accurate for me. Tried them for the first time a few weeks ago.